Say, big guy, how's about a little something for the scribes and Pharisees?
Intimate chatter about TV, the world, and other pressing matters from the bedroom of the couple voted Minnesota's "most interesting seniors"
[Charlie says] "I know you two have been through a lot of shit, and I know it can't be easy, and I thought maybe if you talked to her--"
"Talked to her? What the fuck is wrong with you? I've been trying to talk to her for years. She won't listen to me. She won't listen to her family. She won't listen to her friends!"
"OJ, man--I'm not the enemy here."
I turned around, fuming, and tried to count to ten. I didn't make it. By the time I got to three I realized that Charlie was right. He wasn't the enemy. Nicole was the enemy. I looked at my watch. I had less than an hour before the limo showed up to take me to the airport, just enough time to drive down to Bundy, read her the fucking riot act, and get my ass back to the house.
"Come on," I said, and moved toward my Bronco.
"Where we going?"
"Just come."
Charlie got in. I started the Bronco and the gate whirred to life and I pulled into the street, the tires squealing against the curb.
"Where we going, OJ?"
"We're going to scare the shit out of that girl," I said.
"What? Now?"
"It never fucking ends. Every time I turn around, it's something new--and none of it's pretty."
"This isn't a good idea, OJ."
"Fuck that. I'm tired of being the understanding ex-husband. I have my kids to think about."
"I'm asking you, man, please turn around."
"Woman's going to be the death of me!" I said.
Charlie walked over and planted himself in front of me blocking my view. "We are fucking done here, man--let's go!"And you know what, sugar? In the 30 pages where he is narrating the crime, he never once says "to be honest" or "frankly." I think that is because he is telling the truth.
I noticed the knife in Charlie's hand, and in one deft move I removed my right glove and snatched it up. "We're not going anywhere," i said, turning to face Goldman. Goldman was still circling me, bobbing and weaving, but I didn't feel like laughing anymore.
"You think you're tough, motherfucker?" I said.
I could hear Charlie just behind me, saying something, urging me to get the fuck out of there, and at one point he even reached for me and tried to drag me away, but I shook him off, hard, and moved toward Goldman. "Okay, motherfucker!" I said. "Show me how tough you are!"
Then something went horribly wrong, and I know what happened, but I can't tell you exactly how. I was still standing in Nicole's courtyard, of course, but for a few moments I couldn't remember how I'd gotten there, when I'd arrived, or even why I was there....
And now? Now I was standing in Nicole's courtyard, in the dark, listening to the loud, rhythmic, accelerated beating of my own heart. I put my left hand to my heart and my shirt felt strangely wet. I looked down at myself. For several moments, I couldn't get my mind around what I was seeing. The whole front of me was covered in blood, but it didn't compute. Is this really blood? I wondered. And whose blood is it? Is it mine? Am I hurt?...
Nicole. Jesus.
I looked down and saw her on the ground in front of me, curled up in a fetal position at the base of the stairs, not moving. Goldman was only a few feet away, slumped against the bars of the fence. He wasn't moving either. Both he and Nicole were lying in giant pools of blood. I had never seen so much blood in my life. It didn't seem real, and none of it computed. What the fuck happened here? Who had done this? And why? And where the fuck was I when this shit went down?...
I again looked down at myself, at my blood-soaked clothes, and noticed the knife in my hand. The knife was covered in blood, as were my hand and wrist and half of my right forearm. That didn't compute either.
Page 99: "I went outside, pissed, and confronted Nicole. 'How can you do what you just did? How could hit that poor lady? I don't care if you don't like her attitude--you can't go around hitting people!'"Why do you suppose he wrote the book? He had to know the proceeds would be enjoined, and they have been. I think it is a psychopath's forget-me-not.
Page 109: "To make matters worse, several of her close friends started coming by to express concern about the shape she was in, as if I could do something about it. Nicole was still hanging out with that same bad crowd, they said, drinking too much and clearly doing drugs. Every other day, I heard variations on the same theme: 'OJ, you gotta do something about it. She needs help.'"
Page 116: "Now don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to suggest that I was the perfect ex-husband. All I'm saying is that I was very worried about her, and that I wanted to help her find her way back. No matter what had gone wrong in our lives--and plenty of shit had gone wrong--she was still the mother of my kids. I was stuck with her, but for their sake I wanted to be stuck with her."
Page 124: "It seemed like no matter how much I tried to do for her, no matter how patient and reasonable I was, my good intentions always came back to bite me in the ass."
February 27, 1990--Minneapolis
...TV interview with Eleanor Mondale, who looked terrific... Eleanor came by after her "precinct caucus" with her friend--they came on the bus. Eleanor and I exchanged numbers... I said, "Shall I call you and try to talk you into coming to Atlanta?" She said, "You can try." I said, "I'm a good try-er." She said, "I'd like to see you."
March 3, 1990--Tampa
...Called Eleanor. She asked if I thought of myself as a sexual person. I said, "Yes, very." She said, "Yes, very."
March 9, 1990--Dallas
Eleanor arrived during the show.... I glimpsed her in the wings while I was having a little non-chat with Edie Brickell. Eleanor looked *spectacular.* Our first kiss was amazing. She had me delirious on the bus ride... she's wild... I guess I've grudge-fucked old girlfriends, distanced myself in the act with others, and become a sort of control freak... I'm readjusting to making love... I really like Eleanor. When she walks in the room, the floodlights come on throwing everything else into shadow.
April 5, 1990--Sydney, Australia
...Eleanor gave me the best head I've ever had, then she went out with the promoter's wife and came back a little drunk... very upsetting to me.
April 18,1990--Brisbane
...what, one wonders, will we do? Live together? I'm sure I'm in love with her.
May 13, 1990--Adelaide
...Eleanor faxed Minneapolis gossip column about us.
July 2, 1990--Minnesota with Eleanor
...I told Eleanor I didn't know if I could handle the long distance relationship... She said she wasn't going backwards in the relationship and if I started seeing other people--sleeping with them--that was it...
July 7, 1990
Made love with Annette on the couch.